Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcome 2013

So I had a blog, but decided to start FRESH with a new blog. I am so excited for all the new ideas and projects I wanna do this year.
Here is my list for 2013, its gonna be AMAZING!
  • Organize my basement (get rid of junk) - I hope to buy a house in our development either this summer or next and I really wanna simplify my life as much as possible. I had clutter and junk.
  • Sell Sell Sell Scentsy and hit Certified - I am sooooo close to getting promoted...so if your reading this, click on the Scentsy word above and check out my site. Or if you wanna join me in selling, its a ton of fun, just ask and I will answer all your questions (honestly)!
  • Buy a Treadmill and Use it! - I love to walk and run, and I am up to 2.5 miles. So I wanna do this at least 4 times a week. And on days that its nice, no problem (I'd rather be outside) but days it snows or rains...I skip out on an exercise...so I really need a treadmill. And am so close to getting Tom to buy me one. :-)
  • Get Erik into a toddler and mommy program - I actually have a place in mind, I have to call them this week and set up a trial class.
  • Spend more one on one time with Ryan. - I always feel like he is neglected with me having to take care of Erik all the time, and also fitting in time for myself and keeping up with taking care of the house and family. So more dates with Ryan.
  • Go on more dates with Tom. - Yeah this is a must, last time I went on a date with Tom was May or June of 2011. Seriously, its been over a year. No lie!
  • Get my teeth fixed, so I am done with it (for once). - I have bad teeth, genetics...I swear. I take such good care of my teeth, but they are so sensitive and soft, I always need dental work, so I need to get that fixed as well, and just be done with it all.
  • Do more for me (let me eleborate):
    • I had this idea to celebrate my bad days. I know, sounds really ass backwards. BUT...here's the thing, when I have good days...there is so much to be happy about, but when I have bad days, its hard to find the positives. So...when I am having a bad day...I am either gonna go to Starbucks and just chill there with a coffee, or buy an iTunes Song, or buy an Amazon Book, or go to a library, just do something for me. Only I can change the way things are, and if I can't control a crappy day, the least I can do is something good for myself. So....celebrate a bad day with a treat for me. :-)
So there....that's my goals. I didn't do a predictions list like I wanted to, cause ya know what.....life is gonna be everything...good, bad, death, births, snow, sun, etc..etc...so let's just sit back and take it all in.
And welcome...to my blog!